G E T   Y O U R   BUNDLE   N O W

The Disintegration of My Ordinary Reality + Tree Of Life CD

LORI, The disintegration of my ordinary reality is a narrative non-fiction memoir that describes a dramatic spiritual awakening after the death of Lori’s husband, Tino. The book showers the reader with the struggle that ensues with others’ perceptions of sanity with someone who has one foot in everyday reality and the other in the spirit world. Through this remarkable story, Lori seeks to foster a broader understanding of what western medicine has come to label “crazy” and to generate a greater sense of our place in a multi-dimensional world.


At the heart of the story are a series of events that unfold at her home on a remote peninsula inside a volcanic lake in El Salvador, where she experiences a barrage of psychic phenomenon including “coincidental” rainbows, indigenous drumming, snakes, and spontaneous rain clouds. These events crescendo to a night when, after a lightning storm, she is hit by a light beam. After three hours lying alone in a non-conscious state, she awakens to find that her perceptions of the three-dimensional world that she lived in are no longer her reality. In a subsequent experience, another light enters her and sends her into what would become the first of numerous out-of-body experiences that would eventually drive her to the edge of insanity.


With the sudden dissolution of the veil between the human and spiritual world, she is able to see, hear, and feel spirits from multiple dimensions. Oddly, she also receives knowledge of ancient shamanic practices and of what she believes to be the Mayan language. Doing her best to live an ordinary life after an extraordinary experience, she is faced with extreme challenges as she is dramatically affected by electronics, vibrations, and a chorus of Mayan ancestral voices that begin to communicate with her. Having been a left-brained entrepreneur most of her life, she has no template for understanding these experiences. In line with the well-documented prophesies of the Mayans, the voices speak of a new age when there will be a return to the heart and a kinder, gentler society will emerge. They go on to share that many are hearing the call to this shift and emerging to spread the wisdom of this cycle and that somehow she is a part of this awaited time. Dumbfounded by the information, she realizes that in order to fulfill her role in this cosmic connection she must take the first steps on a six-year spiritual journey.


Mystical and Alchemical Sound Experience Awaits You!

“Through frequency and vibration, resonance and sound we can create an energetic elixir to transform ourselves and align with the harmonic vitality of the universe”…Lori Morrison

Through cutting edge sound healing techniques, these meditation melodies will take you to a place of harmony within yourself. The outcome is a peaceful and energetic place that is very beneficial to your health and well-being.

Coming Soon!


Lori Morrison is an Award Winning Author, Inspirationalist and Mystic. She is part of a rare breed of  lightning  shamans who have received a spontaneous awakening of shamanic knowledge. Lori first journeyed into the shamanic underworld in 2010 where she found the spiritual realm of Power Animals.  Her teachers were Mayan Ancestors who took her through a two year initiation with the spirits of Four Jaguars. Her later intimate connection with Lion, given to her by a Haitian shaman has been an extraordinary experience and enhanced greatly her healing powers. By merging and forming a sacred relationship with animal spirits she is able to support her clients with insight and change through her cutting edge shamanic counseling practice in Sedona, Arizona where she resides.